Some useful links:
- Arxiv2Latex
- Effidit
- MoviePy
- 1. Paper Writing tips
- 2. Paper Writing tips
- Python 画图工具
- 神经网络画图
- Tips for faculty jobs
- Excalidraw
- EssayTeach
- Caktus
- AI tool collection: [Al-products] and [OpenMao]
- Detect the text if it was generated by AI
- 去空格
- 学术工具大全
- 查期刊是否SCI
- 图形图标
- 流程图
- AI paper search
- 读文献
- ChatPDF
- ChatDoc
- 图形配色
- FoxGPT
- GenPPT From Markdown
- Time Series Paper
- PlayAroundAI
- Video Summarization
- 语音翻译
- Write literature review: [Knowledge Explorer], [Elicit] and [SciSpace]
- MML: [LLAMA2], [Claude], [CommandR+], [Gemini], [Copilot], [scite]
- Free Jupyter
- 地温时空数据
- 风电时空数据
- 欧洲环境EEA
- [Solar Power data1] [Solar Power data2] [Weather data in Austrialia]
- Solar power with spatial info
- [Water quality data] [paper]
- CU-BEMS, smart building electricity consumption and indoor environmental sensor datasets
- 公共楼宇,水,电,气,大阳能,地理信息等数据
- UCR Time Series Classification Archive
- Electricity threft data
- Gas sensor array under dynamic gas mixtures, labeled anomalies
- 与能源相关的各类数据
- 与能源相关的各类数据OPENEI
- High-quality wind power and PV with GIS
- List of Water conumption data
- Water consumption data
- Water quality data for anomaly detection
- OPENEI-Open Energy Data Initiative and free Jupyter to use OPENEI data
- 风电的数据源
- Cleanup Picture
The colors I like best: